We're based in India, but you're welcome from any place around the globe!

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Who Are We? 🧐

"Aviation is proof that given the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible, so aviate, navigate and communicate" pondered one of our founding members as they stared at the contrails soaring high into the sky, truly representing how limitless dreams are. Dreaming- being the first step, was soon followed by the forming of a small group over whatsapp with fellow future Aviators amidst the pandemic in 2020! However, the plan being somewhat spontaneous, did seem like a distant dream with the lack of popular support. Age and inexperience being a factor in the whole process did lead to severe moments of self doubt amongst all the members. As the feeling of a potential mayday dawned upon, we persisted, to look at the other door in view- Discord. This was our second milestone, as a smaller community soon prospered into a slightly larger one with aspiring aviators from nearby states! Soon, we managed to launch a youtube channel, a tumblr page, an instagram account, and now, this website! This being our third milestone, is clearly not the last one. As the tagline goes, we're willing to aviate through our dreams, navigate through the journey and of course communicate more with y'all as we all fly high!

Our Motive! 🤝

We are a non profit organisation, whose sole motive is to make people believe in the inevitability of dreams and that passions may never die despite unavailability of resources! With near regular sessions (video recordings of the same on youtube), online flight simulations, an active group of aviation wanderers and quick trivias to keep everyone engaged and curious, we're incessantly pacing towards our dream, never looking back. We look forward to expanding our family by including a diversity of members who are interested in the different aspects of Aviation. As a wise person once commented on the importance of making good use of every opportunity, as our case lies, the club itself was formed amidst the pandemic, to act as a subject which could allure (as of then) school students, especially owing to the relevance with the school syllabus and surrounding news headlines. After all, in a span of 119 years, the revolutionary aircrafts and the study of aviation has a long way to go. We firmly believe that encouraging people today would lead to greater discoveries and newer, better inventions in the future. Our core comittee mainly comprising of teenagers meticulously scavenges sources, scholarships, news updates and everything possible from the most verified sources to help achieve this dream! May no stone remain unturned, and may finances and locations never be a hurdle! After all, as our motto sways, fly high!

Welcome to the Fam!🤗

We harp on the words, that Age can never be a barrier or the end to one's dreams. As life always finds a way, the heartwarming words of one such member remains engraved in our minds, fuelling us to never give up - "I always wished to be a Pilot. I'm over 40 years now, and even though I couldn't pursue aviation, I got into a career which allows me to traverse the skies, travel places and explore these beloved aircrafts. The inner child in me smiles thinking of these wonders, each and every time, as my love for aviation keeps burning brighter" On that note, YES, the only criteria (apart from one's love for aviation of course!) to being a part of this family of 40 members is the yearning to keep learning, relentlessly! With young students to CPL students and adults of other professions, we have them all, from all over the world, unified in this server, willing to share every bit of experience, stories, knowledge and what not, which undeniably is the best way to keep learning, as one by one the drops of knowledge gather to cover the whole ocean-esque and farther than sky discoveries of Aviation! As you found us, we believe that you've taken the first step, so come on Passenger, We welcome you with warm hugs, we won't leave without you!

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Aviation Club India